
The sequel set 10 years later to Little Men, this book mainly follows the lives of seven older boys from the Plumfield school as Jo Bhaer (née March) sees it, although other familiar characters are present. Much like Little Women‘s second part, Jo’s Boys focuses on how these characters interact with the world as (young) adults.

The characters mature through various trials. A few learn that some mistakes are irreversible and consequences must be paid. Others discover that what they planned for the future can change for the better; or worse if they aren’t careful. Some realize that if no one else will do something in a bad situation, it’s up to them to step up and take charge. And through it all, they learn that they are often capable of much more than they once believed.

This book continues the semi-autobiographical nature of Little Women and Little Men. The characters of Jo’s family (sans Prof. Bhaer, as Alcott never married) and their circumstances are a reflection of Alcott’s own life.

Author: Alcott, Louisa May
Date Published: 1886
Publisher: Roberts Brothers
Illustrator: [unknown]
Public Domain: YES

“We can’t begin too soon to try to understand the needs, virtues, and failings of those nearest us. Love should not make us blind to faults, nor familiarity make us too ready to blame the shortcomings we see.” 

Alcott, Jo’s Boys

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Also by this author:

Little Women
(prequel 1)
Little Men
(prequel 2)
Jack and Jill
(A Village Story)


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