
Little Men, the sequel of Little Women, follows the story of 12 boys at the school called Plumfield, managed by Jo Bhaer (née March) and her husband Professor Friedrich Bhaer. The school is not conventional by any means. All children manage their own gardens and pets, and are encouraged to explore and experiment with running businesses.

As one would expect when housing 12 boys of various natures, life has it’s ups and downs, and everyday can bring something new and unexpected. Jo and Prof. Bhaer embrace the challenge of raising disadvantaged boys and preparing them for their futures. The story mainly follows the developing relationships between all the characters over the course of six months.

Although this book is not only seen through the eyes of Jo, she is still the central character of the book. It is written as though the reader is still like seeing through Jo’s perspective (as she is a reflection of Alcott herself), even if Jo is not in the scene.

This book continues the semi-autobiographical nature of Little Women. The characters of Jo’s family (sans Prof. Bhaer) and their circumstances are a reflection of Alcott’s own life.

Author: Alcott, Louisa May
Date Published: 1871
Publisher: Roberts Brothers
Illustrator: Birch, Reginald Bathurst
Public Domain: YES

“He felt that he had friends now and a place in the world, something to live and work for, and, though he said little, all that was best and bravest in a character made old by a hard experience responded to the love and faith bestowed on him.”

Alcott, Little Men

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Also by this author:

Little Women
Jo’s Boys
Jack and Jill
(A Village Story)


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